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» » A Future Based on Knowledge: Launching the Caribbean onto the World’s Platform.

Unknown 10:37 AM 0

By: Terri Ann  Ragoonanan

Part 1: The Ultimate Objective

Raphael’s Masterwork School of Athens depicts the greatest philosophers and scientists of Ancient Greece gathered in a single setting. This assembly of prodigious minds conjures up an atmosphere of knowledge and productivity which is still inspirational to modern day observers. It may be ascertained that society benefits when individuals with the know-how, know-why and know-what form organizations dedicated to the preservation, accumulation, and dissemination of information and ideas. Think tanks, as these collaborations are often designated, may be either formal or informal and can be either sources for specialized, technical information or a general resource databank for a myriad of disparate fields and sectors.

These institutions largely function in the capacity for which they were created. For example, Silicon Valley in the Eastern United States may be viewed as an epicenter for technological advancements and as such is mostly involved in the creation and development of hi-tech gadgets. A think tank formed by the government of a country though would not be vested in inventing new devices, but rather in coming up with new concepts for policy formation/reformation. Several countries that were once considered “developing” have now earned the status of “developed” after enacting social and economic policies that were drafted utilizing the theories and objectives put forth by a team of efficient experts operating from a communal brain trust.

Towards the end of the twentieth century, Asian economies began to assert themselves as legitimate contenders in the superpower race. China, South Korea and Singapore steadily overcame what could have been devastating social malaises to become thriving economies that now have a global impact. A connecting thread between these countries (apart from their geographic proximities) is the presence of multiple think tanks within their borders. Each one of these states has numerous research facilities which are dedicated not only to amassing, analyzing, and storing facts and figures but also to predicting international trends and devising methods to capitalize upon the country’s natural resources, be it mineral deposits or a labor force, in order to generate income and stimulate the economy.

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, inaugurated in 1977, is one of the foremost centers of its kind. Its research departments include separate institutions that focus on almost every aspect conceivable in the comprehension of international and humanitarian relations, including seemingly incongruous subjects such as trade, finance, literature, and philosophy.

This holistic approach to policy making ensures that all constituents are taken into account, from the foreign to the domestic, from the corporations to the citizens and from the interpretation and crafting of legislation to its actual enforcement as law. The Academy works in tandem with politicians and academics to establish a culture of learning and progress which arguably helped China to become one of the world’s leading manufacturing nations with an increasing Gross Domestic Product in almost every quarter.

It is no secret that South Korea has experienced a boon in recent decades and is now one of the leading economies not only in Asia but in the world. Taking into account the fact that South Korea was left an impoverished nation at the end of the Korean War in the 1950s, this achievement becomes more than impressive but also inspirational. South Korea began implementing well thought out economic strategies in the sixties that were developed through internal agreements and collaborations with the objective of moving the country forward, which is precisely what they accomplished. This Korean ideal of collective thinking extended well into the latter half of the twentieth century, when the Korean Institute for International Economic Policy was founded in 1990, no doubt contributing to South Korea’s steady rise up the ranks.

Singapore, along with South Korea and China, is part of a group called the Asian Tigers, named for their fierce economic reforms and strategies that have catapulted them onto the global limelight. Singapore is one of the world’s leading free market economies, often ranked in the top tier of the most innovative, creative, and technologically advanced nations, undoubtedly remarkable for a small city-state. Higher education is an imperative feature in Singapore; institutes of tertiary learning serve as centers for the development of critical ideas and policies. Two of its universities, the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University are consistently placed in the top fifty colleges throughout the globe.

Therefore, it may be seen that a society that values knowledge prospers, not only with respect to its own country’s economy but it can also enhance the lives of its citizens.

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